Shout Out of Spring

by Tikvah's Hope
Shout Out of Spring
Tikvah's Hope
Photograph - Photograph
Taken at Point Defiance Flower Garden within the Park in Tacoma Washington
Narcissus is a genus of mainly hardy, mostly spring-flowering, bulbous perennials in the Amaryllis family, subfamily Amaryllidoideae. Various common names including daffodil, narcissus, and jonquil are used to describe all or some of the genus.
The ancient Greeks believed the narcissus plant originated from the vain youth, Narcissus. He died after becoming so obsessed with his reflection in a pool he could not leave. The Greeks say that the gods turned his remains into the Narcissus flower. This also led to the daffodil's being a symbol of unrequited love. Also, the narcissus was sacred to Hades.
The Narcissus flower is perceived in the West as a symbol of vanity, in the East as a symbol of wealth and good fortune.
The Narcissus is a national flower symbolising the new year or Newroz in the Kurdish culture.
In ancient China, a legend about a poor but good man holds he was brought many cups of gold and wealth by this flower. Since the flower blooms in early spring, it has also become a symbol of Chinese New Year. Narcissus bulb carving and cultivation is even an art akin to Japanese bonsai. If the Narcissus blooms on Chinese New Year, it is said to bring extra wealth and good fortune throughout the year. Its sweet fragrances are highly revered in Chinese culture.
In classical Persian literature, the narcissus is a symbol of beautiful eyes, together with other flowers that equal a beautiful face with a spring garden, such as roses for cheeks and violets for shining dark hair.
The daffodil is the national flower of Wales, where it is traditional to wear a daffodil or a leek on Saint David's Day (March 1). In Welsh the daffodil is known as "Peter's Leek", cenhinen Bedr or cenin Pedr).
In some countries the yellow variation is associated with Easter. The German for daffodil is Osterglocke, that is "Easter bell."
William Wordsworth's short poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud has become linked in the popular mind with the daffodils that form its main image.[citation needed]
Various cancer charities around the world, including the American Cancer Society,[19] New Zealand Cancer Society,
March 31st, 2012
Comments (8)

Deb Halloran
Roger & Terrie, I love daffodils and this image is so beautiful. It almost feels like a dream..such lovely soft light and color. Exquisite work of art. v/f