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Mt. Rainier II Photograph by Tikvahs Hope

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Comments (9)

Lori Frisch

Lori Frisch


Charles Robinson

Charles Robinson

Great capture, Roger and Terrie. Reflection Lake and the beautiful mountain is always a marvelous delight.

Tikvah's Hope replied:

Thank you very much Charles

Inge Johnsson

Inge Johnsson

Great landscape image, fine light and composition. Liked.

Tikvah's Hope replied:

Thank you so very much, Inge!

Christine Burdine

Christine Burdine

Crystal clear! Wow I love how the eye goes from the mountain to the rippled reflection only to find the lake's bottom fully visible. Fantastic shot, voted

Tikvah's Hope replied:

Thank you so very much, Christine!

Charles Dana

Charles Dana

Wonderful scenic. v

Roger  and Terrie Heslop

Roger and Terrie Heslop

Thank you Dan for the fave.

Dan Daugherty

Dan Daugherty

Great shot. I used to live in Buckley under the shadow of this Mountain...

Tikvah's Hope replied:

Thank you Dan for visiting and commenting. It is a beautiful mountain.

Larry Keahey

Larry Keahey

Superb photograph

Tikvah's Hope replied:

Thank you Larry!

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Mt. Rainier II by Tikvah's Hope
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