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Great White Egret  Photograph by Tikvahs Hope

Comments (10)

John Burk

John Burk

Great capture on the hunt.

Tikvah's Hope replied:

Thank you very much, John

Lo Tordsen

Lo Tordsen

Great shot and reflection...voted

Sonali Gangane

Sonali Gangane

Lovely bird and reflection!V

Tikvah's Hope replied:

Thank you, Sonali!

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll

very nice, great reflection! v

Tikvah's Hope replied:

Thank you very much, Joan!

Bob Hislop

Bob Hislop

v7, wonderful capture, nice job!

Tikvah's Hope replied:

Thank you so very much, Bob!

Deborah Benoit

Deborah Benoit

Nice shot!! f/v

Tikvah's Hope replied:

Thank you so very much, Deborah!

Merle Ann Loman

Merle Ann Loman

Yes, he was at our Lee Metcalf National Wildlife Refuge near Stevensville, Montana. The only one...

Tikvah's Hope replied:

Thank you very much, Merle!

Merle Ann Loman

Merle Ann Loman

Sweet. We had a lost egret up here in Montana last year. He tried to commune with the migrating swans. He didn't stay very long.

Sandi OReilly

Sandi OReilly

Great capture and love the reflection, vote.

Tikvah's Hope replied:

Thank you so much, Sandi!

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Great White Egret  by Tikvah's Hope
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